
How can we remove PVGs in large scale?

Let's take a look at the way in which the culture of fitness entered our society. Most people began practicing fitness habits for their health, or looks. Once businesses managed to show that this occupation is financial (mostly through training and gyms), more and more businesses began focusing their specific business solution to the “needs” of health and bodyshaping.

Over time, as the field of fitness arrived at a significant scale, the scale of academic research increased even farther, more and more money was raised for financial and academic causes, communities were formed, and so on.

This is exactly the process needed in order to implement an everyday occupation of minimizing PVGs. We divide this into five smaller processes:

  1. Focusing solutions to certain needs
  2. Structured programs
  3. Products/services for onboarding of programs
  4. Supporters & financeability proofs
  5. Implementation in education systems

If you wonder about what you can do for this cause, then basically putting effort into any of those processes is your answer. You can find below detailed explanations for each, and you can feel free to contact us.

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The Tools

1. Focusing solutions to certain needs

Some of the needs for personal development already receive a lot of attention. There are huge communities dealing with stress, motivation, mindfulness.

But much more people would like to receive value from those tools, yet are not aware of them, or mostly - don’t believe they work. For instance, many would like to get rid of the everyday stress they experience, but don’t believe that short meditation once a week can help with that - although research shows the chances for that are high.

The aim of this process is to make the match between individual’s needs and PVG tools, and between a suitable program for them (such as meditation once a week, or instructions for maintaining focus in their working environment). We need to be able not only to make those connections, but also to brand them effectively.

In the same manner that fitness spoke to the needs of health and bodyshaping, we are also needed to aim PVG tools for (1) maximizing handling of negative emotions and states such as lack of motivation, stress, procrastination, anger, fear of crowds, envy, general bad mood or lack of mood, self-disappointment, lack of satisfaction, (2) for maximizing practical self-guidance such as habit-building, removal of bad habits, persistence, techniques for success (e.g. effective goal-settings or implementation intention), strengthening of communication skills (from charisma to better understanding of others), or (3) for positive emotions such as feeling comfortable, experience more “fully”, appreciate things in our life, and so on.

2. "Everyday", structured programs

Once we know what need interests an individual, we need to make sure the individual encounters a structured program that fits that need. These could be:

  1. Clear instructions for operating different PVG tools - Such as how to meditate, the steps of changing perceptions, how to put notes around in order to change habits - each of these should fit the individuals as much as possible, and be detailed as possible.
  2. Programs that combine different tools over time - Such as what to do once a week, what to do twice a week.

Then, products and services, such as mobile apps or trainers, will escort individuals through these processes (see the next process) - but for that to happen, it is important that we have a very wide range of programs that are proven effective for fulfilling the individual’s need. This requires researchers and professionals that will build such programs and test their effectiveness.

It is important that these programs will be easy to learn and extremely fit for the every-day life of modern culture. That is the main problem in many models for self-development that we can see today, (such as Landmark), that are fit only for individuals who spend a few days of frontal training - These programs’ effects are hard to test, are not practiced over time, cannot be applied by the masses, and create a dependency on the training organization.

3. Products/services for onboarding of programs

There is a need for programs and services that will make these structured programs very easy to start and persist with, and very attractive. Think of gyms and their branding, of fitness apps, of fitness trainers (which work well due to social commitment), of communities that deal with these subjects, of programs that encourage workers or students to deal with sport, and so on.

We can see such products today. Headspace app that helps useres to start and persist with meditation, many Habit-tracking apps that help implementing habits, the whole market of personal mentors, and so on.

4. Supporters & financeability proofs

The more supporters that put effort for the cause of implementing everyday PVG tools, the faster this occupation will get into society, and the more value can be gained.

The more synchronized supporters are, the better this process will be - but in general, each of these five processes is critical by itself, and an individual that supports only one of them is already helping the cause a greal deal.

Our use of the word “supporters” in this context is broad - it includes both people who believe in the importance of this cause, and both in people who deal with products/services of the same goal, for whatever reason. Each supporter takes a part in this cause for their own personal reasons, and the aim in this process is to create and strengthen these reasons so we can have more supporters, and stronger supporters.
One of these reasons is a financial reason - if we can show that enough users are willing to pay enough money for dealing with PVG tools, the more supporters we can gain. These might support the cause less than supporters who do this with belief, but their numbers will be large and their value for the project is crucial. 

5. Implementation in education systems

Implementation of PVG programs in schools will have an enormous positive impact. What's more, it might be easy to reach an agreement on the importance of PVG tools for teenagers (as dealing with internal obstacles is an intergral part of these ages).
Even so, reaching an agreement on which PVG programs are more effective - much is harder, and doing so without a consensus among adults of dealing with PVGs, is even harder. For instance, It took a long time from when science could show the connection between health and fitness, until fitness programs were actually implemented in schools.

On the other hand, there are a few PVG tools for which already have a consensus. A good start in education could be those programs, such as:

  • Teaching a profession of “decision-making and biases”, that includes practice for making decisions based on defined parameters, and cognitive biases that keep us away from those parameters.
  • Emotional Resilience program, which is currently gathering steam around the world.
Read Next:
The Tools